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@astrojs/ cloudflare

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This adapter allows Astro to deploy your hybrid or server rendered site to Cloudflare.

If you’re using Astro as a static site builder, you don’t need an adapter.

Learn how to deploy your Astro site in our Cloudflare Pages deployment guide.

Cloudflare provides CDNs, web security, and other services. This adapter enhances the Astro build process to prepare your project for deployment through Cloudflare.

Astro includes an astro add command to automate the setup of official integrations. If you prefer, you can install integrations manually instead.

Add the Cloudflare adapter to enable SSR in your Astro project with the astro add command. This will install @astrojs/cloudflare and make the appropriate changes to your astro.config.mjs file in one step.

Terminal window
npx astro add cloudflare

First, add the @astrojs/cloudflare adapter to your project’s dependencies using your preferred package manager.

Terminal window
npm install @astrojs/cloudflare

Then, add the adapter and your desired on-demand rendering mode to your astro.config.mjs file:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
export default defineConfig({
output: 'server',
adapter: cloudflare(),

Type: 'passthrough' | 'cloudflare' | 'compile'
Default: 'passthrough'

Determines which image service is used by the adapter. The adapter will default to passthrough mode when an incompatible image service is configured. Otherwise, it will use the globally configured image service:

  • cloudflare: Uses the Cloudflare Image Resizing service.
  • passthrough: Uses the existing noop service.
  • compile: Uses Astro’s default service (sharp), but only on pre-rendered routes at build time. During SSR for pages rendered on-demand, all astro:assets features are disabled.
import {defineConfig} from "astro/config";
import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
export default defineConfig({
adapter: cloudflare({
imageService: 'cloudflare'
output: 'server'

Determines whether and how the Cloudflare runtime is added to astro dev. It contains proxies to local workerd bindings and emulations of Cloudflare specific values, allowing the emulation of the runtime in the Node.js dev process. Read more about the Cloudflare Runtime.

Type: { enabled?: boolean }
Default: { enabled: false }

The enabled property allows you to enable the Cloudflare runtime in astro dev.

Type: { configPath?: string }
Default: { configPath: 'wrangler.toml' }

The configPath allows you to define your Wrangler configuration file, relative to the root of your Astro project.


Section titled platformProxy.experimentalJsonConfig

Type: { experimentalJsonConfig?: boolean }
Default: { experimentalJsonConfig?: false }

The experimentalJsonConfig property defines whether the utility reads a JSON config file (e.g. wrangler.json).

Type: { persist?: boolean | { path: string } }
Default: { persist: true }

The persist property defines if and where the bindings data is persistent. true defaults to the same location used by Wrangler so data can be shared between the two. If false, no data is persited to or read from the filesystem.

The following configuration shows an example of enabling the Cloudflare runtime when running the development server, as well as using a wrangler.json config file (experimental). It also specifies a custom location for persisting data to the filesystem:

import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
export default defineConfig({
adapter: cloudflare({
platformProxy: {
enabled: true,
configPath: 'wrangler.json',
experimentalJsonConfig: true,
persist: './.cache/wrangler/v3',

This option allows you to add or exclude custom patterns (e.g. /fonts/*) to the generated _routes.json file that determines which routes are generated on-demand. This can be useful if you need to add route patterns which cannot be automatically generated, or exclude prerendered routes.

More information about the custom route patterns can be found in Cloudflare’s routing docs. Any routes specified are not automatically deduplicated and will be appended to the existing routes as is.

Type: { pattern: string }[]
Default: undefined

Configure additional routes to be generated on demand by the Cloudflare adapter in the routes.extend.include array.

Type: { pattern: string }[]
Default: undefined

Configure routes to be excluded from on-demand rendering in the routes.extend.exclude array. These routes will be prerendered and served statically instead, and will not invoke the SSR function. Additionally you can use this option to serve any static asset (e.g. images, fonts, css, js, html, txt, json, etc.) files directly without routing the request through the SSR function.

export default defineConfig({
adapter: cloudflare({
routes: {
extend: {
include: [{ pattern: '/static' }], // Route a prerended page to the SSR function for on-demand rendering
exclude: [{ pattern: '/pagefind/*' }], // Use Starlight's pagefind search, which is generated statically at build time

Type: true | false
Default: false

Whether or not to import .wasm files directly as ES modules using the .wasm?module import syntax.

Add wasmModuleImports: true to astro.config.mjs to enable this functionality in both astro build & astro dev. Read more about using Wasm modules.

import {defineConfig} from "astro/config";
import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
export default defineConfig({
adapter: cloudflare({
wasmModuleImports: true
output: 'server'

The Cloudflare runtime gives you access to environment variables and Cloudflare bindings. The Cloudflare runtime uses bindings found in the wrangler and .dev.vars configuration files.

For example, if you have an environment variable configuration set up in wrangler.toml:

MY_VARIABLE = "test"

If you also need to define secrets in addition to environment variables, you need to add a .dev.vars file to the root of the Astro project:


You can access the bindings by using Astro locals like this:

const { env } = Astro.locals.runtime;

You can access the runtime from API endpoints through context.locals:

export function GET(context) {
const runtime = context.locals.runtime;
return new Response('Some body');

To access the value of the MY_VARIABLE binding add the following to your code:

const { env } = Astro.locals.runtime;
const myVariable = env.MY_VARIABLE;

See the list of all supported bindings in the Cloudflare documentation.

wrangler provides a types command to generate TypeScript types for the bindings. This allows you to type locals without the need to manually type them. Refer to the Cloudflare documentation for more information.

Every time you change your configuration files (e.g. wrangler.toml, .dev.vars) you need to run wrangler types.

You can type the runtime object using Runtime:

/// <reference types="astro/client" />
type Runtime = import('@astrojs/cloudflare').Runtime<Env>;
declare namespace App {
interface Locals extends Runtime {
otherLocals: {
test: string;

You can attach custom headers to your responses by adding a _headers file in your Astro project’s public/ folder. This file will be copied to your build output directory.

Assets built by Astro are all named with a hash and therefore can be given long cache headers. By default, Astro on Cloudflare will add such a header for these files.

You can declare custom redirects using Cloudflare Pages. This allows you to redirect requests to a different URL. You can add a _redirects file in your Astro project’s public/ folder. This file will be copied to your build output directory.

You can define which routes are invoking functions and which are static assets, using Cloudflare routing via a _routes.json file.

By default, the adapter will generate a _routes.json file with include and exclude rules based on your applications. This will enable Cloudflare to serve files and process static redirects without a function invocation. Creating a custom _routes.json will override this automatic generation. See Cloudflare’s documentation on creating a custom routes.json for more details.

The following is an example of importing a Wasm module that then responds to requests by adding the request’s number parameters together.

import mod from '../util/add.wasm?module';
// instantiate ahead of time to share module
const addModule: any = new WebAssembly.Instance(mod);
export async function GET(context) {
const a = Number.parseInt(context.params.a);
const b = Number.parseInt(context.params.b);
return new Response(`${addModule.exports.add(a, b)}`);

While this example is trivial, Wasm can be used to accelerate computationally intensive operations which do not involve significant I/O such as embedding an image processing library.

Out of the box, Cloudflare does not support the Node.js runtime APIs. With some configuration, Cloudflare does support a subset of the Node.js runtime APIs. You can find supported Node.js runtime APIs in Cloudflare’s documentation.

To use these APIs, your page or endpoint must be server-side rendered (not pre-rendered) and must use the the import {} from 'node:*' import syntax.

export const prerender = false;
import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';

You’ll also need to modify the vite configuration in your astro config to allow for the node:* import syntax:

import {defineConfig} from "astro/config";
import cloudflare from '@astrojs/cloudflare';
export default defineConfig({
adapter: cloudflare({}),
output: 'server',
vite: {
ssr: {
external: ['node:buffer'],

Additionally, you’ll need to follow Cloudflare’s documentation on how to enable support. For detailed guidance, please refer to the Cloudflare documentation on enabling Node.js compatibility.

To use wrangler to run your application locally, update the preview script:

"preview": "wrangler pages dev ./dist"

wrangler gives you access to Cloudflare bindings, environment variables, and the cf object. Getting hot reloading or the astro dev server to work with Wrangler might require custom setup. See community examples.

Currently, errors during running your application in Wrangler are not very useful, due to the minification of your code. For better debugging, you can add vite.build.minify = false setting to your astro.config.mjs.

export default defineConfig({
adapter: cloudflare(),
output: 'server',
vite: {
build: {
minify: false,

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